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Space to Meet and Play - Geneina


‘Geneina’ is the new open space located in Masaken Othman area (6th of October City), providing a recreational communal node that serves the children and women residing in the area. The area allows children, of all ages and nationalities, to actively play. The space is created as an interactive atmosphere with a diversity of playing elements that are designed and based on participatory design workshops conducted with the area’s children and adults. It is a place for the children that they can call their own, where they can play freely and enjoy the simplest rights of their childhood. Geneina also targets to provide a platform for mothers -and women in general- to interact openly and safely. Creating such a safe outdoor, serving as a functional public open space, is highly needed as expressed by the residents of Masaken Othman; to benefit the entire community and to increase the level of integration and mutual acceptance between the local residents and the refugee community in the area.

Geneina Booklet


Local Services Guide in the Greater Cairo Region

 أدلة الخدمات العامة لسكان القاهرة الكبرى

قامت مبادرة "تضامُن" بتصميم مجموعة من الأدلة للخدمات العامة التي تقدمها الحكومة في مناطق القاهرة الكبرى، مياه الشرب والكهرباء والغاز الطبيعي، بحيث يوفر كل دليل منها المعرفة الأساسية بالإجراءات المرتبطة بالخدمة التي يستهدفها الدليل. وذلك بالاعتماد على البيانات المتوفرة عبر المواقع الالكترونية للجهات المقدمة للخدمات، واللوائح القانونية، ولقاءات بالمسئولين الحكوميين، وأيضًا من خلال رصد تجارب المواطنين الفعلية مع الجهات الحكومية المسئولة عن توفير هذه الخدمات.

دليل سكان القاهرة الكبرى لخدمة مياه الشرب

دليل سكان القاهرة الكبرى لخدمة الكهرباء

دليل سكان القاهرة الكبرى لخدمة الغاز الطبيعي

PIJ Mapping.jpg

Mapping spatial injustice in the Greater Cairo Region


Planning [in] Justice: The project aims to collect and analyze data and increase public awareness regarding the absence of spatial justice in the distribution of public resources between different urban areas. This is in addition to examining the institutional causes that enable this situation in Egypt, with a special focus on the Greater Cairo Region (GCR). In pursuing this aim, the project works on developing tools to identify,measure and address these inequalities and making these tools available to other active groups in Egypt. Planning [in] Justice is a project of TADAMUN: The Cairo Urban Solidarity Initiative.

Mapping spatial injustice in the Greater Cairo Region


Pilot Public Space and Environmental Upgrading in Izbit Khayrallah - Cairo


The project aims at developing a comprehensive and inclusive upgrading plan for the public open spaces located along and underneath the Ring Road in `Izbit Khayrallah, in participation with the area’s stakeholders, and the implementation of a pilot upgrading intervention in this area to be replicated by the authorities and other local partners. The project is supported by The Embassy of Switzerland in Egypt. It was designed and implanted by Takween Integrated Community Development with valuable logistical support from Cairo Governorate and a number of local NGOs in Izbit Khayrallah.

Pilot Public Space and Environmental Upgrading in Izbit Khayrallah Boolet


Planning [in] Justice Report


Planning [in] Justice: The project aims to collect and analyze data and increase public awareness regarding the absence of spatial justice in the distribution of public resources between different urban areas. This is in addition to examining the institutional causes that enable this situation in Egypt, with a special focus on the Greater Cairo Region (GCR). In pursuing this aim, the project works on developing tools to identify,measure and address these inequalities and making these tools available to other active groups in Egypt. Planning [in] Justice is a project of TADAMUN: The Cairo Urban Solidarity Initiative.

Planning [in] Justice Report - Spatial Analysis for Urban Cairo


Main Office

33 Al-Kanal St., Maadi – Flat 5-7, 2nd Floor, Cairo, Egypt

Tel: (+202) 2378 2674

© 2020 Takween ICD

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